Created on October 01 - 2021

Updated December 03- 2022

Alternative News Sites. A collection of links or try the one I'm using top 100 alternative news. Similar to the other page but more extensive
Old pages and some sites might be down and videos removed by Youtube BUT you can search with the tiitle in Bitchute, Rumble or other platforms
  1.  Keyword-Vaccines-I
  2. Keword-VaccinesII
  3. Keyword-Vaccines-III
  4. Keyword-Vaccines-IV
  5. Keyword-Vaccines-V
  6. Keyword-Vaccines-VI
  7. Keyword-Vaccines-VII
  8. Keyword-Vaccines-IIX
  9. Keyword Vaccines IX
  10. Keyword Vaccines Part X
  11. Keyword Vaccines Part XI
  12. Vaccines XII