Thoughts 211122

561 died with covid in 2020 in Finland
87% were 70 or older
95% had chronic comorbidities
10% were 65  ( 56 people) or younger, of whom 98-99% had chronic comorbidities
Zero under 30 so far (as of November 19 2021) have dsied with covid (673 died of all other causes)
About 0.5 to one person 65 or younger with no chronic comorbidities died in 2020
If we assume that 2% (110,680) of the population belong to the high risk group,
and the 95% with chronic comorbidities are belonging there.. 534 people
0.48% of this group died with covid. Over 90% had vitamin D deficiencies
Death rate could have been reduced by 85% by using HCQ, see Zelenko protocol.
28 people, all ages died with covid who had no chronic comorbidities and at most one of them
was 65 or younger.
If you belong to the high risk (2% of population) group: Take your vitamins and Sink
If you belong to the low risk group (98% of pop.)Take your vitamins and Sink
Ivermectin being another option
Uttar Pradesh, India (pop. 241mil) could reduce it's covid infection rate by a factor of 1000
within a few months with Ivermectin.

Natural immunity vs. vaccination with a experimental gene therapy injection
If you don't belong to the 2% high risk group and are 65 or younger.
You're risk of dying after contracting covid is statistically zero and you have life-long immunity
If you choose the experimental gene therapy injection instead:
One death per 1,617 injections and one serious adverse event per 55 doses and...
you would need to be injected 2-3 times every 6 months for many years to come.
Those injections will greatly reduce your natural immune system, introduce blood clots and many other side effects.
If you do belong to the high risk group, you can reduce risk of death by a further 80% with vitamins and Sink.
More exercise, healthy food helps greatly too.
Even in the high risk group, instead of 0.48%, only 0.12% had to die.One percent of the population dies annually

Every life matters and every death counts but put this all please in perspective.
1200 die annually through falls
1600 through alcohol related illnesses
5000 through tobacco related illnesses
Over 800 through suicides
Almost 150 people drown annually in Finland, according to the Finnish Swimming Teaching and Lifesaving Federation
Respiratory illnesses kill annually 500-2000 people
55,400 died in 2020 of all causes. 1.01%  of them died WITH  or "suspected" covid  (after  a positive test for 52% )