The Full text of theLisbon Court, By
Only 0.9% Of These Cases,’ Died Of COVID
, Numbering 152, Not The 17, 000 for The Claimed"

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Signed on s by

[Signature Qualificaça) Peter

Equip: 2021.05.19 14:02:39 GMT


Reason: Non-repudiation

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

Procedure no. 525/21.4 BELSB


I. Report

hereinafter, briefly referred jointly, as the “Applicants”) are to apply to the

notice on the DGS — Directorate-General for Health (DGS) and the department OF HEALTH

(rectius, only the latter, according to the provisions laid down in article 10.No, no. 2) and (4) of the REFERENCE
hereinafter, briefly referred to as “the Respondent”), all the better, as identified in the advance program.
5 and 6, of the proceedings in the SITAF, with a view to making available, so this is the last one
a set of reports, opinions, and publications of a scientific nature, relating to the COVID-

Join up to 10 documents.

As quoted in the Defendant's wish to provide you came to this so doing, doing,

so, in summary, that:

— With respect to the request for information is not a procedural, it was found that the
none of the documents, statements, evidence, and information is requested under the
(a) to (q) of section 4.No requirements found in the possession of the DGS,
just as, on the other hand, has informed the Applicants, the condition that makes the

it impossible for the continuation of the proceedings;

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

In respect of sub-paragraphs (1) and (m) of those in the same application, the
19.04.2021 the DGS has added information on the number of deaths,
considering, therefore, satisfied that the request made by the applicant with the
the resulting decline in the instance and for the failure to cope;

 Welcome to the Applicants to request information, under the terms of article 68.No, no. 2,
paragraph (a) of the CPA, it is not contended, however, in which the public goods that
they endeavoured to defend with your request for information, that would determine his

illegitimacy is active.

The battle, in the end, the extinction of the proceedings, loss, and helplessness
subsequent to the deal, and there is no lease, the origin of the exception to the illegitimacy

activation of the Applicants, with the dismissal of the appeal.

Join 12 of the documents.

Asked to comment on the previous questions were raised by the Defendant,
you came to the Asylum reproof, and essentially, that is the first one I have
he answered in the time limit given for that purpose, but only ever in advance
of this notice, and the impossibility of the defendant by the Defendant of his
own risk, and that, consequently, they are standing out in this notice,
you are not required to demonstrate to the Administration that any damage to


Working, in the end, by the laws of the exception, the invalidity of active and

the sentencing of the Defendant to pay the costs of the proceedings.

Join in results.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

In view of the above, the subject-matter of the dispute is, in short, on the companions of the
The applicants that are a legitimate part of this action, the summons and complaint, if it exists, or it does not, then the
called the impossibility and futility future of the deal, and if you are, as well as the
The applicants shall have the right to request, and these are the questions that the

The court meets to decide in casu.

1. Sanitation

As it was mentioned, the Defendant has come to raise a number of questions
prior to that, to see if they can, in fact, the measure of the knowledge of the

the merits of the case, with the acquittal or a termination of the proceedings.

However, in so far as the knowledge of these issues, it depends on the
advance fixing of the relevant facts pertinent to, delays for

on the basis of the right decision.

HI. Rationale
m. i. a For that

Shall be considered proof of the following facts, which are relevant for the decision in the case:

1. In 24.02.2021, Applicants are referred requests to the Defendant; or
whose contents can, if transcribed and partially below:
(...) [In the enjoyment of their civil and political rights, on the basis of article 268°,
paragraph (2) of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (Portuguese constitution), and article 13, paragraph
1, 17%), and 68 (2), forward), all of the Code of Administrative Procedure
(CPA), as well as in accordance with the provisions of article 5, paragraph 1, of Law no.
26/2016, from the 22nd of August, in the wording that was given by the Act no.

58/2019, on 8 August, coming

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

To APPLY to the honourable member. if you deign to give it to him, the time limit of ten (10) days.
reproduction, photocopying, or by any technical means,
in particular, e-mail, the content of the reports, expert opinions, and publications are
the scientific, which are available in your files pertaining to the disease
Covid-19 declared by the World Health Organization as an “epidemic
for Covid-19":

1 - a Copy of the publication on a scientific, peer-reviewed peer-review), for
the study of the extent of the infection induced in humans, the virus that causes SARS-
Cov2, which is responsible for the disease Covid-19, the beginning of a study
changed the withdrawal of a human patient;

II - a Copy of the publication of the scientific journal for peer review), for
the study of the extent of the infection in humans is caused by the SARS-Cov2
obtained via the empirical, and that you can prove that you have complied with all the demands of the
He/Evans (1976), stating the date, and the date(s) of the author(s) who performed the
the isolation and purification of the virus in the laboratory;

HI - Up to the publication of scientific journal for peer review).
with respect to the testing and RT-PCR (the polymerase chain reaction, or, in the
in Portuguese, the polymerase chain reaction as a tool for
reliable diagnosis and to identify the infection by the virus SARS-Cov2 in
human-i. that is, whether the test by RT-PCR, identifies the presence of the viral RNA and
the presence of that virus infection;

IV - a Copy of the publication of the scientific journal for peer-review), in which the
the results of the test, PCR, indicating as follows, with no margin of error, and the
the presence of the virus is SARS-Cov2 in a human-if they have symptoms
that are similar to the flu-like symptoms;

V - a Copy of the publication in a scientific, peer-reviewed peer-review), which is
it is demonstrated that the positive result of the test, the PCR indicates, without a shadow of a
the error, in the presence of infection by the SARS-Cov2 in human infection

(symptoms) and that they convey the disease to others.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Judgment Of The Administrative-Common

I SAW him a Copy of the publication of the scientific journal for peer-review),
identifying the symptoms of a new disease resulting from infection by the SARS-
Cov2, and what is distinctive about the new one, and an alleged disease, illness, the seasonal flu /
flu and sickness, caused by the already well-known strains 229E, NL63,
0C43 and HKUI] of the coronavirus;

VI - documented Information on the cycle of the amplifier is set to the
the PCR tests used in the Uk, and is an indication of the authority that it has determined
the well-defined cycle;

VII! - General information about the PCR tests used in the Uk to discover
infection with SARS-Cov2, if they are unable to distinguish in the field
the idle and reproductive health;

IX - general Information about the types of viruses and their strains,
be detected by the test, the PCR is used on a massive scale in the attainment of the
“the infected covid-19 in the population of Portugal.

IX [sic] Evidence is scientific, peer-reviewed, which is the basis for the application of the
the measures of quarantine and confinement of persons tested positive via test
The PCR, and the symptoms;

- X - a Copy of this document is published and developed by chinese scientists,
reviewed by peers (peer-review), the mapping of the genetic code of the new
coronavirus SARS-Cov2;

XI - Information-report of the number of deaths in the Uk from
the beginning of the so-called a pandemic is caused by the infection, SARS-Cov2, with the
the cause of death was objectively and lawfully assessed by means of a post-mortem examination of the
the dead bodies;

XII - Information-report of the number of deaths in the Uk from
the beginning of the so-called a pandemic as a result of an infection in SARS-Cov2, with the
the cause of death was only determined by the test of the CRP;

XIII century - the scientific Evidence of the efficacy of social distancing, with its
the reasoning of empirical peer-reviewed peer-review), in the context of the

the disease covid-19;

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Judgment Of The Administrative-Common

II THE World Health Organization (WHO) published on the 6th of April
2020 is a re-evaluation on the use of masks and personal protection,
focusing on a subject-specific for the SARS-COV2, and concluded that: “the
face masks are only recommended for certain groups of
specific patient infected with the SARS-Cov2, the people with the symptoms
caregivers or health care professionals in contact with infected patients or
suspicious. ”.

As a result, in sequence, of the aforesaid publication for the WHO, it is required to copy,
one of the publications with the evidence of science, in the hands of the DGS of
review by peers (peer-review), which prove, without a shadow of doubt, the
the lack of collateral damage to the health, physical and psychic, resulting in the
the use of a face mask for children, young people and adults, in confined spaces and the
open to;

From the FIFTEENTH to the Proof of scientific publications made by the experts and it magazines
peer-to show that the group of people with no symptoms
be patient, it reduces significantly the transmission of the disease
respiratory or covid-19, and for the benefit of from the containment to the health of the

CENTURY, and the Proof is documented, that the calls of the vaccines
the experimental mRNA in the last generation does not represent the manipulation of
genetics, as a whole, do not constitute a danger of damage to the mid-and long -
long-term, the health of those who have already been, and that is to be vaccinated with a vaccine has not yet
- approved, and no clinical data are evaluated, however, it is recommended to
the population by the Directorate-General of Health.

Therefore, in accordance with the law on information, not procedural, with a
backed by in-laws above mentioned, shown on the right of access to
the documents in the administrative members of the procedures are completed, or
the files or records administration, open to all citizens, and

in view of the protection of the interests (article 52% of the Portuguese constitution (cf.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon
Judgment Of The Administrative-Common

copies of the applications together with the fis. 22-106 of the records (n SITAF,
documents that you have to fully reproduced).

. In 30.03.2021, the applicant submitted to the judgment of the a. i. of the present
proceedings of the summons and complaint (cf. a copy of the electronic message board in the fls. 1
the records in the STAF, which is done by fully reproduced).

In 12.04.2021, the DGS has sent to the offices of the Applicants, whose contents can, if
reproduced partly set out below:

Examined closely, the petition of the honourable member, rececionado in the Direction of the General, it is reported,
that is, the request does not fall within the provisions of Law no. 26/2016, from the 22nd of August, in its current version, the
for copies of evidence, and the information you requested is not referred to in the document
the administrative Directorate-General, under the terms defined in paragraph (a) (1) of the Act.

The matters referred to and is asked on the application adheres to the terms of the provisions of article 102, and
seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the CPA.

In fact, we have been displayed to the statement of the facts on which your claim is based, and the
what should be appropriate to the claim, and for the purpose for which it was intended, is invited to the honourable member. himself,
to make up for the deficiency in the application, in accordance with the provisions of art? 102 CPA

(cf. copies of the offices attached to the fls. 132-141 of the records in the SITAF document
what if you have to fully reproduced).

In 19.04.2021, the Respondent submitted its reply in the scope of the
presents the proceedings of the summons and complaint, then stating that he did not have “any
administrative documents relating to sub-paragraphs (a) to (j) and (m) (q)
art.“ 4 of the application for the summons, the more you realize that:

“After a review of the basis of the replica of the GIVEN from 01-01-2020 to 18.04.2021,
we were able to cram up to a point, the following two distributions:

Between 2020 and 2021 were issued for a total of 152-certificates of death by the physician
they are working to protect the department of Justice (INMLCF) that
the basic of the deaths have been due to COVID 19 according to the following

Of the total of 152 death certificates, 132 deaths, the cause was U071 (COVID
19-the virus is identified, and 20 deaths, the cause was U072 (COVID 19 -do not

as identified in laboratory).

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

Of the 152-certificates of death in 148 deaths, was not required to post-mortem, being
what to 129 deaths, the underlying cause of death was U071 and 19 deaths for the cause
d's death is U072.
Of the 152 deaths, and 4 deaths, has not been dismissed, the hospital, and 3 deaths
cause of death was U071, and 1 deaths, the cause was UO72” (cf.
reply join the fis. 115-126 of the records in the SITAF, which is done by
to fully reproduced).

5. By way of 27.04.2021, the Applicants were notified of a response to that
if you notice referred in the previous section (cf. the office is next to the fis. 150 records in the SITAF,

the document, which is based on fully reproduced)

The evidence of the facts set out above is based on the contents of the documents, together with the

the case, as stated with respect to each and every one of them.

Nothing else has been proven to be of interest to the decision of the case.

HI.2. In the right -

As we all know, the right to an administrative data is a cage

constitution, article 268.No to the constitution, which states:

“1. The citizens shall have the right to be informed, by the Directors, as well as what
the request, on the progress of the proceedings in which it is directly
the parties, as well as to know the final decisions that you don't have to
to be taken.

2. The citizens also have a right of access to records
administration, without prejudice to the provisions of the law in matters relating to national security

both internal and external, of the criminal investigation and the privacy of the individual.”.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

The rules of a constitutional cited by dedicated, well, that's what the
the case-law and doctrine, are referred to as “the right to information, process, and
“the right to information, not procedural, respectively, both of which are
governed by article 82.No. 85.Of the current CPA (section 61.No. 65.No previous CPA), and
by the provisions of Law no. 26/2016 of 22.08, which repealed the Act no. 46/2007 of 24.08,

commonly known as “GREEN,” or “the Law on Access to Administrative Documents”).

In this regard, please note-if in the judgment of the prolatado by the Court in the Central
Administrative (“ACT”), North 22.06.2006, in the context of the process, no.
00028/06.7 BEPNF, which is made explicit, with the meridian of clarity in the interpretation of the cause
the provisions of the law referred to, and whose understanding of it continues to hold a full

“[T] he existence and the extent of the right to information is dependent, primarily,
the relationship between the applicant and the subject of the end.

The principle of the right to information, it's up to those who are directly interested in the
the procedure that produces the desired information (cf. art. 61.No. 62.Of the
The CPA), and "by extension” the right fit "for the people who can prove they have an interest
the legitimate knowledge of the elements that you want to” (cf. art. 64.9, no. 1, CAP);
out of these cases, anyone can have access to the records and files of the administrative
(cf. art. 65.Of the CPA's) that do not require a reservation, but this requires the prior
the conclusion of the proceeding, and if it is transferable, the right of access shall be limited to the
the person concerned, or to a third party who can demonstrate a "direct interest, and
” personal " (cf. art. 07.No, new ºs 1, 2) and (5, GREEN)”.

In the same way, and most impressive, it is stated in the judgment of the

issued by the AGRICULTURAL South, 20.03.2014, in the context of the proceedings no. 10919/14, which are:

“If you want to use it in two ways set out in the dogmatic, and the right to

information on the administrative process can be defined as a right of stay in icu singulis, being

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

the right of access to administrative files and records is one
the right to the icu cives.

Or in the words of J.-M. Cover, Belt to the right to information
the administrative process sets up a “publicity, lift parts, and the right to
access to administrative files and records, irrespective of the procedure, the
advertisement “erga omnes” in The right to information and participation rights of
the particular procedure and, in particular, to the formation of an administrative decision,
Books, Science, and Legislation in 1994, nos.9-10, p. 135).

In the first, the perspective of the individual as an administrator, in the strict sense of the word,
in the context of a specific and concrete relationship with the government, and
the carrier-of-interest, highly subjective.

In the second example considers a private citizen in the face of, in accordance with
the most generic ones.

Saying it in yet another way, to the right of the administrative information
process is aimed at the protection of the interests and the positions that we had booked direct, as in the
the right of access to administrative files and records are set up as one of the
the instruments for the protection of the interests of the more common goals for the community

legal entities, in particular the transparency of the administrative proceeding.”.

On the guidance, just to describe what we are today, without any reservations, is
it still echoed in the more recent doctrine, to be produced in this regard, referring to MARIO AROSO
ALMEIDA, CARLOS ALBERTO FERNANDES CADILHA (in the Commentary to the Code of the
The process in the Courts”, Almedina, 2017, 4.Th edition, page 855, and
856), note to the article 104.Of the REFERENCE, that is:

“As a result the closure of the no. 1 of the notice is, in the first line,
the effect also jurisdiction, you want the right to be informed about the progress of the
the procedures and the knowledge of the decision-making part of the right to information
process, whether it is the right of access to administrative files and records it

this corresponds to a right to information, not procedural. And, in this sense, the principle

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

it crystallizes in the plan procedure and evidence, to all the rights and guarantees set out in article 268.No,
no. s), and (2) of the Portuguese constitution, which are set out in the plan to the substantive law,
accordingly, under articles 82.No. 85.Of the CPA, and to the Act no. 46/2007, of the 24th of August
(as amended by Decree-Law no. 214-G/2015, October 2).

In theory, the general law, the information, the procedural report of the facts, acts, or
the documents, which are part of or as a result of the concrete-administrative procedure
if you are still on the way; and the right to information is not a process with respect to the
the documents contained in the file, or administrative records, including the
document existing procedures already completed, regardless of the relationship

with any administrative proceeding is pending.”

Now, the situation is sub-judice, it was demonstrated above that the Applicants if
want solely to obtain information not procedural, with the support of the
the laws above mentioned, shown on the right of access to documents
the administrative members of the already completed or in the files or records of
administration, open to all citizens, and, with a view to the protection of the interests of

complex (cf. the fact that 1. signed and above).

Based on this assumption. therefore, in the realm of sub -, to meet the
provisions of article 3.No, no. (1) (a), and 5.No, no. 1, both in the GREEN, according to which the
“Everyone, no need to mention anything of interest, you have the right to access, to
administrative documents [id est, “and any content, or any part of the content that is on the
possession of, or is held in the name of the entities referred to in the following article, the support of the
the information in written, visual, noise, electronic, or other material, which
understand the rights of consultation, the reproduction, and information about the

the existence and the content of them” (cf. article 3.No, no. (1) (a), and 5.No, no. 1, both in GREEN).

Set up the legal framework that, in principle, is applicable to this agreement, let us go down,

so, again, in the case of the motor, in order to identify the solution to cool to apply.


The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

As it turned out, the Defendant is to a certain point, sufragar that is, when the
The applicants request the information, pursuant to article 68.No, no. (2) (a) of the CPA, it is not
it claimed, however, that where the public goods that they intended to defend the claim of the
the information, condition, claims, carrearia its invalidity is active, but it is not

you will watch here for any reason, as we shall see.

With cfeito, it is certain that the Plaintiffs invoke the right of
requirements in order to obtain the information you want, and article 68.No, no. 2,
paragraph (a) of the CPA), according to which “All citizens in the exercise of his civil rights and
the politicians and the rest of the voters are registered to vote in the territory, the Portuguese have no legitimacy
for the protection of the interests accountable to the actions or omissions of the Administration
that can cause interference with relevant non-customised goods are fundamental
such as public health, housing, education, the environment, and the management of the
the territory of the urban quality of life, and consumption of goods and services, and the

cultural heritage.

However, according to exsuda your own content and insert a systematic manner, this
legal command as to the legitimacy process to react to the actions and
omissions of the government, and not the legitimate right to access the information,

administrative non-procedural.

This is, as we have seen, is in the shape of the above-mentioned article 5.No, no. 1
GREEN, there's a preceituando, and in accordance with clearly open, and that “All
the need for the language of interest, you have the right to access the documents
administrative, without the need to invoke it or being in any particular

the interest in obtaining this information.

Improcede, therefore, invoked the exception of the invalidity active

The applicants.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common


And then, and also the title from the previous question, we are Required to syndicate it
none of the documents, statements, evidence, and information that have been requested by the Applicants,
he is now in his possession, which carrcaria, then, is to be able to handle it; and that, as well
so, I would have, however, provided information to the Applicants and to the
the information requested on the number of deaths in the Uk, which would determine, in the

particularly, in the futility future of the deal, resulting in the termination of the proceedings.

In conspecto, were confined to the Asylum for the reproof, which is the inability to
the Defendant is now coming to invoke it would be under your own responsibility, as well as being,

so, for his conviction on the respective costs of the proceedings.

Beginning of that second segment is highlighted, it was the above is proven to
the Plaintiffs have asked at some point of their applications, and that they were
now available “X7 - Information-report of the number of deaths in the Uk,
since the beginning of the so-called a pandemic is caused by the infection, SARS-Cov2, and taking up the cause
the death was objectively and lawfully assessed by means of a post-mortem examination on the dead bodies; // XII.
The information:a report on the number of deaths in the Uk since the start of the
declared as a pandemic as a result of an infection in SARS-Cov2, with the cause of death was

only measured by the test, the PCR” (cf. the fact that 1. signed and above).

In this regard, he was then Required to retorquir that:

“After a review of the basis of the replica of the GIVEN from 01-01-2020 to 18.04.2021,
we were able to cram up to a point, the following two distributions:

Between 2020 and 2021 were issued for a total of 152-certified physicians by physicians
they work to protect the department of Justice (INMLCF), of which the underlying cause-of-death
due to COVID 19 according to the following distribution:

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

"Of the total of 152 death certificates, 132 deaths, the cause was U071 (COVID 19-
the virus was identified and 20 of deaths, the cause was U072 (COVID 19 -due to
a laboratory).

Of the 152-certificates of death in 148 deaths, was not required to post-mortem examination, and
129 deaths, the underlying cause of death was U071 and 19 deaths, the underlying cause of d's death was

Of the 152 deaths, and 4 deaths, has not been dismissed, the hospital, and 3 deaths
cause of death was U071, and 1 deaths, the cause was UO72” (cf. fact 4. is signed


Yet, as has been peacefully seen through the case-law of c
the doctrine, “The deal makes it to be of no use when there is an event or circumstance that, further to its
the opening, which makes it unnecessary to which corresponds to the pronunciation of court,
in particular, because the request has already been achieved by other means” (in this
direction (see, for example, the arest prolatado by the Supreme Court
Administrative 28.09.2017, in the context of the proceedings no. 049/17).

The situation is sub-judice, the comparison of the segment in the examination of the application
submitted by the Applicants, in the context of the requirements for you are presented with the
the content of the response provided by the Respondent in the context of the present case of a subpoena,
it is clear to this Court that the claim of the Petitioner is, in the
particular, it is satisfied by the delivery of the decision, and if afiguraria in concretu,

that's devoid of any help.

Considering that, in accordance with the provisions laid down in point (e) of article 277.Of the
CPC is applicable to the ex-vi, section 1.Of the REFERENCE of the instance is the first with the impossible
or, futility future of the deal, it is plain, then, is the alternative to it that is
don't finish by the emptiness, both in terms of the points XI, and XII of the
a requirement for the provision of the information submitted by the Applicant, the

the resulting extinction of a part of the instance.

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon

Administrative Judgment In Common

On the other, points to such requests, and, considering that, as with
relied on by the Respondent, there is no objection from the applicant or, on the other hand, if the
vislumbrem any reason to doubt this assertion, the same is not
is in the hands of the elements and pursued by the Applicants, it is inescapable
in the conclusion, as this deal is, in particular, it is impossible, in the sense that,
as demonstrated above, the Respondent may be asked to provide the Applicants with

clementos that's not it.

However, in view of the fact that, to the contrary of that which relates to the Defendant, and the
the same, at any time, gives an account of this to the Applicants within a period of
have to respond to them — it is limited only in the 12.04.2021, and it's already in advance
in the present action, the summons and complaint, address it to them, inviting them to improve
the applications presented, and cf. the facts 2. 3. entered into the above — I believe this is the same
the inability is attributable to a person, you condemn it at all costs due to

for the present case.

IV. Decision-making

In the light of the foregoing:

(1) Declare the futility future part of the handle in relation to the

the points XI, and XII of the applications submitted by the Applicants,

as a consequence, I think it is partially quenched the court, in accordance with paragraph
(e) of article 277.Of the CPC;

The Administrative court of the Circle of Lisbon
Administrative Judgment In Common

(ii) In addition, " I will tell you not to be able to handle, and I think that partially quenched
instance, in accordance with paragraph (e) of article 277.Comfy to the MAX.

Bearing in mind that, just as it turned out, proved, and the Defendant has provided the information
however, in the crisis, subsequent to the filing of this notice. (cf. the facts 2. 5.
entered above, I think it's an impossibility and futility future with this deal
related to the same, and, therefore, condemn the whole of the expenses of the
according to the regulations of the us no. 3) and (4) in article 536.Of the CPC is applicable to the ex-vi, section 1.No
for the REFERENCE, combined with the provisions laid down in article 12.No, no. (1) (b) and table I (A),
on line 1 of the Regulation on the Costs of the proceedings.

The amount of the claim of EUR 30.000,01 may, in accordance with the provisions of article 31.Article
34.No,no. of 1's and 2's, both in the REFERENCE and in articles 296.No, no. 1, 299.No,no. 1, 306.No, 2162;
in the final analysis, all of the civil procedure code applicable to the ex-vi, section 1.Of the REFERENCE.

To register and to notify you.

Lisbon, May 19, 2021

In the Court of Law


(This text was processed in the computer, and the built-in SITAF, with the form of a qualified electronic signature —
article 24.No, no. (1) of REFERENCE, and in article 16.No,no. 1, of the Decree no. 380/2017 of 19.12)

Original text: prévias que, a verificarem-se, poderão, efectivamente, obstar ao conhecimento do