Keyword Vaccines Part X
Back to idexFrom February Link Collections of 2019
New Study: Hep B vaccine "may have adverse implications for brain
development and cognition"
"We have previously verified that neonatal hepatitis B vaccination
induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and behavior impairments in
mice...This finding suggests that clinical events concerning neonatal
IL-4 over-exposure, including neonatal hepatitis B vaccination and
allergic asthma in human infants, may have adverse implications for
brain development and cognition."
The Alarming Hepatitis B Vaccine Studies Every Parent Should See
Everything You Should Know About When to Get a Pap Smear Test
HPV infection is very common. It’s estimated that the likelihood of
getting HPV at some point in life, if you have at least one sex partner,
is more than 84 percent for women and 91 percent for men. You can be
infected if you’ve only had one sex partner. And you can have the
infection for years without knowing it.
Although there’s no treatment for infections with the types of HPV that
cause cervical cancer, they usually go away on their own, within one or
two years.
Pap Tests
When you need them—and when you don’t
Ages 21 to 30: You should have a Pap test every three years. Cervical
cancer takes 10 to 20 years to develop, so you don’t need the test each
year. You do not need a Pap test before age 21, even if you are sexually
Ages 30 to 65: The new guidelines from the American Cancer Society and
others say that you can have the Pap test every five years—as long as
you have a test for the human papillomavirus, or HPV, at the same time.
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cervical cancer.
Pap smear: Do I need one if I'm a virgin?
If you've never had any type of sexual intercourse, you're unlikely to
have HPV. However, there are other risk factors for developing cervical
cancer, such as family history and smoking, so talk to your doctor if
you have concerns.
Pap Tests: When you need them and when you don’t
Cervical cancer is rare in women younger than 21, even if they are
sexually active. Abnormal cells in younger women usually return to
normal without treatment.
Ages 30 to 69: The guidelines from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive
Health Care and others say that you should have the Pap test every three
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cervical cancer
>Now tell me why 11 to 12 year old girls need to be vaccinated?>
<Mortality rate for wite women in USA in 1960 because of cervical cancer
was 8.5 per 100 thousand>
Cervical Cancer
the incidence rate for cervical cancer was 8.1 cases per 100,000 women
per year in the United States. The mortality rate was 2.4 deaths per
100,000 women per year. In 2010
Cervical Cancer Trends in the United States: A 35-Year Population-Based
In the United States, there were an estimated 12,200 new cases of
cervical cancer diagnosed in 2010, translating to an incidence rate of
7.9/100,000 women.3
Scientific Misconduct and Maladministration Accusations over HPV Vaccine
Safety in Europe
The Gardasil Vaccine—Bad Science, Great Promotion, Dangerous
Deaths following Gardasil
What if I were to tell you that there were 40 deaths in the Gardasil
trails. This fact is clearly stated in the Manufacturer Merck’s
prescribing information sheet . Of these deaths 21 occurred in the
vaccine group and 19 in the aluminium adjuvant group. But you didn’t
hear this from the mainstream media, did you?
Mandatory HPV jabs for school kids in Florida + 100 Vaccine bills flood
30 States
What is regressive autism and why does it occur?
Is it the consequence
of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals
and the ability to regulate neural temperature?
There is a compelling argument that the occurrence of regressive autism
is attributable to genetic and chromosomal abnormalities,
arising from
the overuse of vaccines, which subsequently affects the stability and
function of the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems.
The Vaccinated Girls - Sick and Betrayed (Documentary, 2015)
Is There Objective Evidence that the Current HPV Vaccinination Programs
are not Justified?
Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine
Watchdog says Gardasil’s benefits to 230,000 girls outweigh potential risks
<The benefits are cancer for young women through Gardasil. Natural
cervical cancer risk 1.5 per 100.000 women>
40 Healthy Children Die During Clinical Trials for Gardasil’s HPV
Vaccine, Yet Connecticut Pushes…
Debunking Measles Mania with Dr. Bob Sears
<One in ten thousand who got measles in the 60's died. Last measles
fatality in 2003. Over 100 measles fatalities through measles vaccines>
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
In the homeschooler study, the risk of being diagnosed on the autism
spectrum was over four-fold higher among vaccinated children than
unvaccinated children (
Dangers of Vaccines: Part 4: Useless and dangerous Chickenpox vaccine
Is The CDC A Marketing Arm For The Pharmaceutical Industry? By Del Bigtree
Healthy Triplets All Autistic within Hours of Vaccination
Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose Zero Risk
Measles Virus as a Cancer Fighter
The Measles Couldn't Kill the Brady Bunch
<In the 60's, the measles were thought of as a harmless disease that the
body naturally eradicates forever once infected. Now it's a MONSTROUS
<The measles were once thought of as a harmless disease. Even the
founder of the CDC, Alexander Langmuir, stated in 1962 that measles were
a "self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low
fatality." Low fatality?! But the news media says that measles are as
deadly as the Bubonic Plague! The fact of the matter is that the
mortality rate of measles in the U.S. was in drastic decline well prior
to the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963. With better sanitary
conditions comes better health. That's why nobody gave two thoughts
about contracting the measles back in the day.>
An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation
from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD in Immunology
IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of
poliovirus. Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at
least two decades. Even if wild poliovirus were to be re-imported by
travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV cannot affect the safety of
public spaces. Please note that wild poliovirus eradication is
attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral poliovirus
vaccine. Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus
transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced
with IPV due to safety concerns.
If only 1% of all vaccine injuries are reported, the $4 billion paid out
is just the tip of the iceberg
In 2007 and 2008, DOJ attorneys exhibited "highly unethical and
appallingly consequential official misconduct" during an Omnibus Autism
Proceeding (OAP) orchestrated to determine the fate of 5,400 families
who had filed claims for vaccine-induced autism. The potential value of
the claims exceeded $100 billion - an amount that "would have bankrupted
the [compensation] program many times over." HHS's Department of Justice
lawyers, "under pressure" to deprive petitioners of their rightful
relief, successfully achieved that aim through allegedly fraudulent means.
Outbreak of over 12,000 cases of measles in Ukraine is caused by recent
vaccination campaign?!
Measles: neither gone nor forgotten
Wild vs Artificial Exposure to Measles Are Not Equal
There is a fact rarely considered by public health officials:
vaccination is not an intervention that eliminates disease exposure for
individuals. Vaccination replaces wild exposure with artificial
exposure, and they are not equal. We are many decades into mass
vaccination campaigns, and it is alarming that instead of the medical
and scientific community stepping back to examine the overall impact on
public and individual health to see if current strategies should be
reevaluated, the focus is on those who question or refuse vaccination.
How About 6 Vaccines In One? FDA Approves New Vaccine From Sanofi, Merck
Vaccine Illusion
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination -
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych is the author of Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination
Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do to Regain Our
Health. In her book, she presents a view on vaccination that is
radically different from mainstream theories Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, has
studied immunology in some of the world's most prestigious medical
institutions. She earned her PhD in Immunology at the Rockefeller
University in New York and did postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA. and Stanford University in California.
<Measles killed some infants but not children. You can't vaccinate
infants against measles. Mother milk protects infants from measles.
Measle vaccines work for 95% of the vaccinated for a few years>
******************Best so far***************************************
Harvard Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO
Risk to Anyone
How often do serious vaccine adverse events happen?
A recent study done in Ontario, Canada, established that vaccination
actually leads to an emergency room visit for 1 in 168 children
following their 12-month vaccination appointment and for 1 in 730
children following their 18-month vaccination appointment
In 1994, the WHO Region of the Americas was certified polio-free,
followed by the WHO Western Pacific Region in 2000 and the WHO European
Region in June 2002. On 27 March 2014, the WHO South-East Asia Region
was certified polio-free, meaning that transmission of wild poliovirus
has been interrupted in this bloc of 11 countries stretching from
Indonesia to India.
Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. It invades the
nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. The
virus is transmitted by person-to-person spread mainly through the
faecal-oral route or, less frequently, by a common vehicle (for example,
contaminated water or food) and multiplies in the intestine. Initial
symptoms are fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness of the neck
and pain in the limbs. 1 in 200 infections leads to irreversible
paralysis (usually in the legs). Among those paralysed, 5% to 10% die
when their breathing muscles become immobilized.
A vaccine we don’t even use anymore is a reason polio keeps spreading —
yes, really
One strain of polio was eradicated in the wild in 1999. But a few cases
have been popping up because of an old vaccine.
This year, DRC has registered no wild polio viruses — that is, polio
cases caught from the environment. And Type 2 polio has been completely
eradicated in the wild since 1999. But DRC has seen seven cases of Type
2 polio this year that are linked to the vaccine in an outbreak.
Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio
For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains
of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed
by polio itself.
"It's actually an interesting conundrum. The very tool you are using for
[polio] eradication is causing the problem," says Raul Andino, a
professor of microbiology at the University of California at San Francisco.
Doctors Against Vaccines: The other side of the story is not being told
Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl
following human papillomavirus vaccination
Gardasil is destroying young girls' ovaries and reproductive systems
A online book from 1885 about vaccines
MeWe is social media with No Ads, No Spyware & No BS.
Facebook Considers Change as Measles Cases Spread
Anti-vaccination content could be toned down
Dr Theresa Deisher - Worldwide Autism Epidemic & Human Fetal
Manufactured Contaminated Vaccines
<Diagnostics for autism hasn't changed over the years - around 20min -
fetal manufactored vaccine the main culprit for autism. No relationship
beteeen fathers age and autism>
Dr. Theresa Deisher Guelph, Ontario Canada June 23, 2018
<vaccines, viruses, aluminum>
Healthy 14 Week Old Infant Gets 8 Vaccines and Dies Within 24 Hours
Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit"
Dissenting Doctors
Merck made a "hit list" of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to
testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed
between Merck employees, contained doctors' names with the labels
"neutralise," "neutralised" or "discredit" next to them.
Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With
Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?
Doctors admit vaccines are harmful and turn our immune systems against us
Which Vaccines Are The Risks Greater Than The Benefits?
These Vaccines Are Not Needed and Potentially Dangerous!
Vaccine Safety Conference Session 13 - Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP
<I got my MMR 1 month before i went into a type 1 diabetic comma at one
year old. I had to learn how to walk and talk again. These are majors
sign of vaccine injury. I had an immediate bad response after the MMR
vaccine. It took less than a month to go into a 10 day comma. I believe
that Vaccines are extremely dangerous. Look at session 3 to see
similarities. These facts and vaccine correlations are also found in
PubMed. g o v. and NEJM. The perfect storm>
<Judge will accept vaccine induced if symptoms appear within 21 days of
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System
Against Us
Aluminium in brain tissue in autism
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?
Dr. Exley’s study — “Aluminium in brain tissue and autism” — is the
final piece of a puzzle that first started to come together in 2004, and
picked up steam since 2010, that has dramatically furthered the
scientific understanding of exactly how a vaccine can trigger autism.
Supreme Court in India to Rule on Merck Fraud Regarding HPV Vaccine Deaths
Around the world legal problems regarding the HPV vaccine continue to
multiply for Merck, yet this news is mostly censored out of the
mainstream media. With multiple lawsuits pending in France over injuries
due to the Gardasil HPV vaccine, one former Merck doctor in France even
came out and stated that Gardasil will become “the greatest medical
scandal of all time.” (See: Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil
will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time)
DPT (also DTP and DTwP) is a class of combination vaccines against three
infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough),
and tetanus.
Vaccine Coverage Levels – United States, 1962-2009
"Herd Immunity"? A dishonest marketing gimmick
The Vaccine Injury Court | AMA 01
<Page 16 of the Gardasil 9 package insert shows the data of post
Gardasil-vaccinated cancer rates in girls age 16-26, there were 30 cases
of actual cancer in that age group (6017 girls) after having received
all 3 doses of the original Gardasil. 30 cases of actual cancer in 6017
girls age 16 to 26 is freaking crazy!! The rates of vulvar, cervical,
and vaginal cancer in that age group prior to the use of any Gardasil,
was extremely rare at only 1.55 cases per 100,000 girls in that age
group per year. But after Gardasil use, that rate jumped to 30 in 6017=
499 per 100,000!! Why cant Damian look at these studies straight from
the makers and do the math himself????? For goodness sakes, this is
insanity. >
Questionable data being pushed to support annual flu vaccination campaigns
U.S. Aborted Fetal Products-Updated Dec2018
Setting the record straight!
U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims
Judicial Watch announced it has received documents from the Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded $5,877,710 dollars to 49
victims in claims made against the highly controversial HPV (human
papillomavirus) vaccines. To date 200 claims have been filed with VICP,
with barely half adjudicated.
Re: UK doctors re-examine case for mandatory vaccination
For Gardasil there are 212 deaths recorded under ‘General Disorders’ and
a further 22 deaths under ‘Cardiac disorders’, etc.
For Cervarix there are 12 deaths recorded under ‘General disorders’ and
a further 4 deaths under ‘Cardiac disorders’
Gardasil 9, only on the market since 2015, is already showing 26 deaths
under ‘General Disorders’
That’s a total of at least 275 deaths reported in Europe to the EMA and
always with acknowledgement that only approximately 10% of SAE are reported.
Measles: neither gone nor forgotten
Wild vs Artificial Exposure to Measles Are Not Equal
Experts have acknowledged that the current measles vaccine cannot
eradicate measles because of primary and secondary failure.[1] Studies
have found that the concentration and duration of maternal antibody
protection for infants with vaccinated mothers is lower and shorter than
protection provided by non-vaccinated mothers [2] , and it has been
found that a third dose of MMR cannot boost protection for any length of
time [3] , leaving most adults unprotected. We have entered a
vaccine-era of vulnerable infants and vulnerable older
adults—populations that were protected when measles circulated
naturally. It’s a messy conundrum, and it cannot be laid at the feet of
those who opt out of vaccination. For the vast majority of healthy
children who can easily handle a case of measles in childhood,
vaccination provides no personal benefit and exposes them only to
vaccine injury risk and vulnerability to measles in adulthood.
ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine
Deaths Reported
Cervical Carcinoma Rates Among Young Females in the United States
For women younger than age 40 years, 78% of the cervical cancer cases
were diagnosed in women aged 30–39, 21% were diagnosed in women 20–29
years of age, and 1% was diagnosed in women younger than age 20 years.
There was an average of 3,063 cases of invasive cervical carcinomas
annually from 1999 through 2008, with an average of 14 carcinomas per
year (rate of 0.15 per 100,000 females) among those aged 15–19 years,
and 125 carcinomas per year (rate of 1.4 per 100,000 females) among
those aged 20–24 years.
Page 16 of the Gardasil 9 package insert shows the data of post
Gardasil-vaccinated cancer rates in girls age 16-26, there were 30 cases
of actual cancer in that age group (6017 girls) after having received
all 3 doses of the original Gardasil. 30 cases of actual cancer in 6017
girls age 16 to 26 is freaking crazy!! The rates of vulvar, cervical,
and vaginal cancer in that age group prior to the use of any Gardasil,
was extremely rare at only 1.55 cases per 100,000 girls in that age
group per year. But after Gardasil use, that rate jumped to 30 in 6017=
499 per 100,000!! Why cant Damian look at these studies straight from
the makers and do the math himself????? For goodness sakes, this is
insanity. PAGE 16 of the Package Insert:
<see page 16 for the vaginal cancer 30 girls got from gardasil>
400 scientific papers that show the dangers of vaccines
EPA: Formaldehyde in vaccines causes leukemia
Leaked emails from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency confirms
that formaldehyde, a key ingredient in vaccines, is the number one cause
of leukemia.
The EPA, under pressure from the chemical industry, was forced to delay
the release of a groundbreaking study confirming the cancer risks from
formaldehyde, according to confidential emails seen by Reuters.
French Cancer Surgeon: Statistics Show HPV Gardasil Vaccine Linked to
Increased Cervical Cancer Rates After Years of Decline Due to Pap Smears
Science CONFIRMS it: Vaccines spread measles
Focusing specifically on the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and
rubella, researchers from the Bureau of Immunization, the New York City
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) found that, despite having been vaccinated,
individuals involved in the 2011 New York measles outbreak were still
contracting and spreading measles to others – including others who had
also been vaccinated.
How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development Dr Russell Blaylock MD 1
Lawrence Solomon: The untold story of measles
Several decades following the vaccine’s introduction, the measles death
rate rose, largely because the vaccine made adults, expectant mothers
and infants more vulnerable
Vaccinegate: Metagenomic analysis report on Gardasil 9
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic,
asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and
learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of
them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including
VACCINE-INDUCED DISEASE now a top global health threat for 2019 and beyond
Contrary to what the propaganda-spreading World Health Organization
(WHO) purports, modern day vaccines are responsible for more deaths than
the diseases they are intended to create immunity against.
First off, there have been 127 deaths caused by the measles vaccine in
the past 15 years, but only 2 deaths caused by the measles disease itself.
Doctors Clueless on Vaccines!
VaxXed Stories: The ER Doctor in Seattle
Court Awards $137,500 After 8 Vaccines Kills Infant In Just 12 Hours
Kara Krause tragically lost her baby girl, Peyton, 12 hours after being
injected with eight vaccines in 2008. Through the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and Special Master’s “Vaccine”
Court, it was proven the DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, PCV, IPV, and Rotavirus
vaccines killed her daughter. Kara describes her darling daughter, “She
was a normal, happy, healthy baby. I still hear her little sounds so
clearly. She was my first true love.”
The Wild Measles is a BLESSING from Mother Nature. It gives the child
life-long immunity and helps to prevent more serious maladies down the
road like Cancer. I say "wild" because the Measles vaccine SHEDS for 28
days. Often it's the vaxxers who are spreading the disease without
realizing it.